住宿:HI Japser (708 Sleepy Hollow Road Jasper, Alberta) 4人间上下铺
5/25周六早出发,中午走Valley of Five Lakes
5/26周日早餐退房走Edith Cavell Meadows Trail
Valley of Five Lakes和Edith Cavell Meadows Trail列为Japser前四名徒步景点,难易程度前者easy后者moderate。详情参见:
To reach these trails, take Highway 93 (the Icefields Parkway) south toward Lake Louise.
Valley of the Five Lakes
Trails 9, 9a and 9b (moderate); 4.5 km loop; 66 m elevation gain/loss; 2 hours
Trailhead: 9 km south on Highway 93.
The five small lakes are the highlights of this outing, which is a popular family hike. Trail 9a begins with an easy walk through a forest of lodgepole pine, reaching a boardwalk across the Wabasso Creek wetlands in the first kilometre. Watch for beavers. Beyond, the trail climbs across a flowery meadow to a junction. Continue on Trail 9a to reach Fifth Lake, with its small island and nesting loons. Watch for 9a markers leading left toward Fourth Lake, Third and Second, each a different depth and thus a different hue of bluegreen. Between Second and First lakes turn left onto Trail 9b and follow it to close the loop. Or keep going north to Old Fort Point, 10 km farther via trails 9a, 9 and 1, mostly in the woods.
Note: Trail 9 is heavily used by cyclists.
Wabasso Lake or Wabasso - Five Lakes
Trail 9 (moderate); 6.4 km return; 38 m elevation gain; 2-3 hours
Trailhead: 14.6 km south on Highway 93.
This trail crosses several low ridges, with a fine view from the last ridge across the Athabasca Valley to Mt. Edith Cavell and the reddish quartzite peaks north of it. Wabasso Lake was created by beavers. You can see their long, high dam at the northeast corner of the lake.
For a longer walk, follow Trail 9 around the lakeshore and 6 km north along grassy Wabasso Creek to the junction with Trail 9a (Five Lakes). It's less than a kilometre back to the highway from here.
To get to the trailheads, go 7 km south of Jasper on Highway 93 and turn right onto Highway 93A. Travel 5.4 km and turn right onto the Cavell Road. The 12-km road is narrow and has tight switchbacks that are unsuitable for trailers (drop-off area at the start) and large motorhomes.
Cavell Meadows trail
Trail 42 (moderate); 6-7 km return; 500 m elevation gain/loss; 3-5 hours Trailhead: The end of the Cavell Road
Take this moderately steep but well-graded trail to see classic examples of upper-subalpine forest, treeline vegetation and the alpine region beyond. Along the way there are spectacular views of Angel Glacier.
The upper section of the trail is often wet and easily damaged in early summer- travel not recommended- but by mid-July, you can usually count on a colorful display of mountain wildflowers.
Important: stay on the trail, so you don't damage the fragile tundra.
Follow the Path of the Glacier Loop to the end of the paved portion, turning hard left soon after onto the route to the meadows. Where the trail follows the edge of the bouldery moraine, watch for little gray pikas and chipmunk-like golden-mantled ground squirrels among the rocks. The trail levels out at treeline, angles left and loops back down to rejoin itself at the edge of the forest.

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